Southeast Asian Architecture

Key facts


Udayana University

Starts every:

April, September


One Semester (6 months)


[currency_sel]1950 EUR[/currency_sel]



Application deadline:

15. Feb. for summer and 15. June for winter




Other courses:

SEA vernacular architecture Resort & hospitality design Interior architecture Tropical home Studio project Indonesian language

About the program

Are you looking for inspiration? Discover the unique building culture of Southeast Asia and the tropics, from simple Balinese dwellings to exotic villa and luxurious beach resorts. This fifteen-week program at the Udayana University in Bali, Southeast Asian Architecture, is geared towards exchange and international students. Through its lectures, excursions, and workshops, it demonstrates how traditional forms, natural materials, and western approaches work together in harmony. The goal of this course is to forge a comparison between western and tropical building styles and to use innovative connections to initiate new styles of harmony in modern architecture. Apart from practical work for blueprint projects, theoretical courses in English will be carried out in the university. These mainly involve the fields of interior architecture, hotel architecture, and the building history of Southeast Asia. Given numerous intensive excursions and workshops, you will learn about the architecture of Southeast Asia and Tropical Living in Bali.


Lebst du auf Bali?

Wenn du auf Bali lebst oder seit einigen Jahren immer wieder einige Zeit auf Bali verbringst, dann bist du hier richtig.

Möchtest du nach Bali?

Du möchtest das erste Mal nach Bali kommen oder warst schon hier und überlegst evtl. sogar nach Bali zu ziehen? Dann bist du hier richtig.

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